Bling Bling Tradition Youth Campaign

Arts-ED collaborates with Universiti Sains Malaysia’s School of The Arts Graphic Communication Department to connect second-year degree students with the cultural heritage of gold jewellery through research and place-based learning. Throughout the program, the students research the elements of gold in their respective communities and present their findings using selected core arts media.

In this virtual showcase, students share their discoveries and research findings through interactive campaigns developed based on the different functions and uses of gold jewellery.

Old Style New Lock

This is a small campaign built around a piece of Chinese gold jewellery, “Longevity Lock” or in Mandarin we called it “长命锁”. The rationale of the campaign is to educate the people, youngsters mainly about Longevity Lock as well as to promote and prolong the traditions of Longevity Lock.


Sitaara is a campaign to educate Malaysians about Indian traditional jewellery specifically Maang Tikka. We're sure to spread the awareness on the cultural significance of Indian gold jewellery with everyone. "Sitaara is here to shine maang tikka and maang tikka will shine you.”

Youth Are Gold

Youth Are Gold is a campaign to promote and spread awareness about Si Dian Jin. The campaign aims to provide knowledge and information to young people so that they may understand the beautiful culture of Si Dian Jin and encourage them to keep the culture alive.

The Greatest of Malay Motif

Our campaign focuses on providing exposure to six motives used and applied by the Malays on jewelry (bangle) and discovered how these motives are closely related to their religion of Islam.

Long Feng – Dragon and Phoenix

This campaign shares knowledge about the Dragon and Phoenix Bangle in Chinese wedding culture to raise awareness among the youths today and guide them to learn more about the hidden meaning and value behind this jewellery piece.

Melayu Lupa Seni

The art of the finely crafted diamond jewelry and the craftsmanship that goes into it with the small yet intricate details are the reason that the jewelry is one of the most important artistic heritage of Malays.

Googold: Tradition be told

Googold aims to educate the younger generation on the traditional wedding customs of gifting gold to the daughter in laws in different cultures in Malaysia, which are Malay, Indian and Chinese.

Nine Golden Bliss 黄金九宝

Our campaign investigates the development of the nine treasures as gold jewelleries in the Chinese Wedding Custom and its role and meaning to raise awareness among the youths.

Dragon & Phoenix Jewelleries

In this campaign, we present multiple outcomes to promote the Dragon & Phoenix Jewelleries, not only in Chinese Wedding Tradition, and also its trends and stories.

Your Piece

Names carry a story, a story of the past. Our campaign encourages people to appreciate their names and to tell their personal stories through nameplate gold jewelry.


Our campaign promotes and spreads awareness about the use of gold rings in Malay tradition when uniting two people - Visit and Observe (Merisik), Engagement (Bertunang) & Wedding (Perkahwinan).


chained. is a campaign to raise awareness on the gold chains history in Hip Hop culture among the Hip Hop enthusiasts and bring back the gold chains trend in Malaysia.

Culture Of Wedding Engagement (Chinese & Malay)

This campaign aims to educate the younger generation about the culture and traditional wedding engagement in Chinese culture and Malay culture.

Cincin Belah Rotan dalam Adat Merisik

Cincin Belah Rotan is symbolic of the bond between a man and a woman. This ring will be given by the man's family represented by the man's mother in the event in Malay Culture called Adat Merisik.

Cincin Batu Permata

Our Campaign looks at the differences and similarities between Ruby and Sapphire gemstones in engagement rings in Malay Cultures.

Cincin Belah Rotan: Penyatu Dua Keluarga

This campaign is about a ring known as Cincin Belah Rotan. This campaign is conducted to provide exposure to the community especially the younger generation about the use of this ring in the custom of Merisik in Malaysia (Malay & Iban).

Our Rings, Our Story

Our campaign identifies the types of wedding rings and engagement rings according to current trends and to raise awareness on the motives and trends of the rings produced from time immemorial.


To find out more about the Bling Bling Tradition project, visit the project page here.